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Applying IEEE/EIA Standard 12207 for Software Life Cycles
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Applying IEEE/EIA Standard 12207 for Software Life Cycles
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If recent research is accurate, over 80% of U.S. software development organizations do not employ consistent processes to build or acquire software projects. The good news conveyed in this course is that the project frameworks and processes are available. This course shows you how to make software development life cycle processes a reality in your organization! IEEE/EIA standard 12207-1997 is a foundational standard that provides a framework for developing and/or adopting life cycle processes for your own organization and projects. This course takes about 5 hours to complete, including exercises. The narrated slide shows total over 3.5 hours.
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Technical Specs
If recent research is accurate, over 80% of U.S. software development organizations do not employ consistent processes to build or acquire software projects. The good news conveyed in this course is that the project frameworks and processes are available. This course shows you how to make software development life cycle processes a reality in your organization! IEEE/EIA standard 12207-1997 is a foundational standard that provides a framework for developing and/or adopting life cycle processes for your own organization and projects.This course takes about 5 hours to complete, including exercises. The narrated slide shows total over 3.5 hours.
Questions? Contact Randy at the "Contact Us" link below.
Lifetime access to the course! A complete set of course notes in Adobe format, which includes pictures of all slides, checklists, examples and templates
These are the same materials that students get in our live courses
Streaming slide show presentations of each module in Flash shockwave movies which allows you to advance or review the presentation to see specific slides
This slide show is narrated by Randy Rice, just like he would in a physical class, except without all of his bad jokes
Exercises in each module, with sample solutions with which to compare your solutions
There are links that allow you to try your test cases on an sample application
Templates and examples in electronic format
Streaming video clips of supplemental topics, such as taking a tour of a test lab, how to perform regression testing, etc
Streaming video demonstration of screen video of tests being performed
Access to the instructor via e-mail, chat sessions, and message boards
Access to other students to share experiences via chat rooms and message boards
Certificate of completion upon completion of the course and submission of your evaluation
The course is designed to be viewed by people at all connection speeds from dial-up to DSL and high-speed cable modem.Before registering and paying, please view the demo first to make sure you have the technical compatibility to access the course.The course is compatible with all major browsers - IE, Firefox, SafariAdobe PDF Reader and Flash Player (all free) are required to view the slideshows and notes.The course uses an online learning management system (LMS) called Moodle. This full-featured LMS provides many features and is easy to use. The whole idea about Moodle is that you can learn at your own page, interact with others and explore the topics as you like. You are not forced to follow any particular order.
The idea of a life cycle implies that the project will use an approach that extends from project inception through ongoing maintenance. This is a practical workshop with many exercises to help you immediately apply the concepts in the IEEE standards.
Your instructor will be Randy Rice, an experienced instructor and practitioner in the software engineering field. You will learn the terminology, process, and challenges of standards in the real world. As a result of attending this seminar, you should have a good working knowledge of some of the most important and helpful software engineering standards and what it takes to to make them a reality in your organization. From this workshop, you will leave with a practical understanding of IEEE/EIA Standard 12207-1997for Software Life Cycle Processes and how to tailor and apply it in your projects.
Return on Investment
* Learn best practices in software engineering
* Learn how to adopt life cycle processes that can be improved, measured and taught
* Understand the key issues in applying the standards
* Learn how to tailor the standards to fit your own needs
* Quit reinventing the wheel and use proven approaches that have already been fully described for you
* Advance your career by reinforcing your knowledge of standards.
Who Will Benefit
* Process analysts
* Software engineers
* Project managers
* Documentation specialists
* QA analysts
* The program requires IT knowledge or experience.
* You will need to have a copy of the applicable IEEE Standards for your reference.
* The courses may be completed in any order.
Content and Structure
Module STDA - Introducing the IEEE Standards
* Course Objectives
* What is Systems Engineering
* What is Software Systems Engineering?
* Why Should We Use Standards?
* Basic Principles for Standards
* ISO Compared to IEEE
* How Standards are Developed
* Organization of the SESC Standards
* Clauses
* Normative vs. Informative
* What Is in a Standard?
* What Is Not in a Standard?
* Where Standards Can Be Obtained?
* How to Tailor and Apply Standards
* Final Thoughts
* Other Resources
Module STDB - Applying Standard IEEE/EIA 12207 for Software Lifecycle Processes
* Introduction to IEEE/EIA 12207
* Application of the IEEE/EIA 12207
* Applying the IEEE/EIA 12207 to Organizations and Projects
* 12207 Life Cycle Processes and Roles
* IEEE/EIA 12207 Processes and Their Interactions
* Tailoring the Processes
* The Structure of Life Cycle Processes
* The Influence of Total Quality Management
* The Relationship Between Systems and Software
* The Relationship Between Organizations and Parties
* Responding to Technology Evolution
* Events and Milestones
* Documenting Outputs
* The Role of Software Metrics
* Certification and Compliance (Annex F)
* Other Related Standards and Their Relationship
Module STDC - IEEE 12207 Project Life Cycles
* Overview of Project Lifecycles
o Waterfall
o Incremental Model
o Evolutionary
o Spiral Model
o Rational Unified Process (RUP)
* Types of Prototypes
* Applying Prototyping to Life Cycle Models
* Risks of Prototyping
* Commercial Items (COTS) and Reuse
* Selecting a Software Lifecycle Model
* Which Development Strategy to Pick?
* Using Risk Analysis to Determine the Right Development Strategy
* SLCM Selection Criteria
* Steps in Creating Life Cycle Processes
* SLCM Plans
* SLCM Plan Contents
* Considerations in Implementing and Maintaining the Software
Establishing Life Cycle Processes
* Monitoring Life Cycle Processes
* Evaluating the Impact of Changes on Life Cycle Processes
Module STDD - Applying IEEE Standard 12207.1 for Life Cycle Data
* Overview and Objectives of the Standard
* What is Life Cycle Data?
* Purpose of Life Cycle Data
* Operations on Life Cycle Data
* What Should Life Cycle Data Be?
* Types of Life Cycle Data
* Presentation Form of Life Cycle Data
* Life Cycle Data Formats
* Content Guidelines
* Specific Information Item Content Guidelines
Module STDE - Applying IEEE/EIA Standard 12207
* Overview and Objectives of IEEE/EIA Standard 12207.2
* Using IEEE/EIA 12207.2 as a Guide for Implementing IEEE/EIA 12207.0
* How to Interpret and Apply the Guidance Comments
* IEEE/EIA 12207.0 on Software Reuse
* Joint Management Reviews
* Candidate Reviews
* The Role of Software Metrics
* The Scope of Measurement Categories
* Software Measurement Categories
o Schedule and Progress Measures
+ Progress Metrics
+ Actual vs. Planned Task Completions
+ What is Earned Value Project Management?
+ Benefits of EV Project Management
+ How Earned Value Management Works
+ An Example
o Resource and Cost Metrics
+ Actual vs. Planned Task Completions
o Growth and Stability Metrics
+ Size Growth
+ Requirements Changes
o Product Quality Metrics
+ Product Quality Growth
+ Test Effectiveness by Project
o Development Performance Metrics
+ Released Defect Levels
o Technical Adequacy Metrics
* Tailoring Software Metrics
* Managing Project Risks with Metrics
* Data Collection to Support Project Metrics
* Example Project Dashboard
* The Goal/Question/Metric Method
* Development and Build Planning (Annex I)
o Selecting the Appropriate Development Strategy
o How IEEE/EIA 12207 Relates to Development Strategies
o Planning Software Builds
o A Process for Planning Software Builds
* Problem Categories
* Problem Severity Levels
* Software Product Evaluations (Annex K)
* Evaluation Criteria
* What is Risk Management?
o Risk Planning
o Risk Identification
o Risk Analysis
o Risk Mitigation
o Risk Tracking and Control
* Related Standards to IEEE/EIA 12207
Module STDF - Software Lifecycle Processes Summary
* Top Ten Points
* Questions for Reflection
* Glossary
* Bibliography
* Course notes in PDF format with slides, worksheets, checklists, complete examples and supporting text
* You will have the basic information needed to select, tailor, and implement the appropriate project life cycle for your projects and organization.
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